One or more USHJA members will receive funds to be used for college, graduate, trade or professional school. The scholarship totals $25,000 across all recipients.
One Junior USHJA member who has qualified for a national equitation championship at a fence height of 3' or higher will receive $1,000 for support to attend.
From walk/trot to 1.20m, the USHJA Outreach program has a class for you at competitions held across the country. Compete to earn points toward year-end awards and national recognition.
Save the Marshall & Sterling Insurance/USHJA National Championships Date and Click to Learn More!
Since 2004, the USHJA has created programs, offered education and has supported members of the Hunter and Jumper sport. In 2022, we have created the "We Are U.S. Hunter Jumper" Campaign to highlight all things Hunter and Jumper so everyone can understand everything this fantastic sport has to offer.
As we focus on Hunters this month, join us on Instagram on April 29 at 6 p.m. ET when Bethany Lee of My Equestrian Style goes live with two amazing Hunter riders to answer your questions and will give away terrific prizes!
Be sure to follow along on social with the #WeAreUSHunterJumper so you don't miss a thing!
Don't Miss These FREE Webinars
Careers and Jobs within the Equine Industry - Veterinary Clinic
Good luck to all our members participating in this year's Interscholastic Equestrian Association National Finals and Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association National Championship Horse Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania! IEA and IHSA are affiliate originations of the USHJA.