A handy guide for secretaries, created by the USHJA Secretary Committee. Includes important contacts, competitor and class requirements, and results submission tips.
USHJA is seeking input from managers who host International and/or National Hunter Derby classes regarding their preferred format: Traditional or Hunt and Go. Email competitions@ushja.org with your location, what type of derbies you run, and your reasons for favoring one format over the other. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us enhance our programs!
Host an Instructor Credential Live Session
Heard the buzz around the Instructor Credential Program? Consider applying to host a live testing session in 2025. Email ushjainstructor@ushja.org with questions.
Under Quick Actions, select USHJA Host Application for Programs
Click the New Application button
Host a USHJA Jumper Classic
Allows 1.10m to 1.40m riders to earn prize money, Zone HOTY bonus points, and awards
Certificate for a saddle pad provided for all winners
Top-ranked riders are invited to a USHJA Gold Star Clinic
Declaration form must be signed by the participant for HOTY points to be allocated
Consider adding it to your license when you renew! No separate application is needed, simply include the information in your show's license and prize list information similar to the process for the USHJA National Hunter Derby.
Does your facility host clinics? Listing your clinic to the USHJA Directory of Clinics is simple. Perks include listing on the webpage, Zone eNews inclusion, and social media.
Hosting Hunter or Pony Hunter Breeding at your Competition?
Breeding classes should be held in a permanent ring and the gate should be closed.
The Best Young Horse class is the Championship class for the division. Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons and prizes should be awarded.
In Junior/Amateur Handler classes, stallions should be managed so that they are not a danger to other exhibitors. TIP: stand them at the front of the line or slightly separate from any mares/fillies in the class.
where you can find information and topics like conducting large flat and under saddle classes, Young Jumper course requirements, and Farm Tek Timer operations.
Due for a clinic in 2025? Virtual and in-person clinics for judges and course designers will be posted this fall. Remember, Licensed Officials must be USHJA Active/Competing members to renew their license(s).